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Trinity Chapel Homily: Resumes

Resumes are important, they are one page definitions of what we do or better yet have done. They say to the world, ‘see what I have accomplished.’  Listing accomplishments is important in life in tracking how we are spending our time and getting things done. For many however, the experience of putting together your first resume can be intimidating and daunting.  Some can feel like they have not accomplished much–YET.  That will change the older you get. More importantly for my talk today, I have had many students over the years say to me, here’s my resume, but it says next to nothing about who I really am.

I would like to suggest to you today that there are actually 2 kinds of resumes in life, and that you need to build both of them and not just one. One tells others what you’ve done–the other tells others who you really are.

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Chapel Talk: From Unseen to Seen

There is not much worse in the human experience than not being seen. We all want to be loved, and you can’t be loved without being seen–recognized for who we are and respected despite whatever flaws or shortcomings we might have. And yet–too many in our world feel completely unseen, ignored, perhaps even disrespected, and ultimately invisible.

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