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Holderness sustainability coordinator

SustainabilityAt Holderness, our mission urges us to work for the betterment of humankind and God’s creation.

In that spirit, we take environmental stewardship seriously. Through our on-campus sustainability initiatives, we strive to put our principles into practice and model a sustainable future for all.

Solar Array

Holderness School’s sustainability efforts received a major jolt in 2020 with the construction of a 460-kilowatt, on-campus photovoltaic array. Our newest solar array generates enough power to offset 30% of the school’s energy needs, including several dorms and the 35,000 square-foot Davis Center for STEM.

Learn more about the Davis Center

Biomass Plant

The biomass plant at Holderness School

The school’s biomass plant generates heat and hot water for the entire campus. It’s powered by wood chip fuel, a byproduct of local sustainable timber harvesting and sound forest management. The plant reduces the school’s yearly fossil fuel usage by 111,000 gallons of fuel oil and 10,000 gallons of propane.


Ice Rink Solar Array

In 2014, the school installed 360 solar panels as part of the construction of the outdoor hockey rink. This 99-kilowatt solar array, designed with input from students, generates up to 95,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, supplies most of the rink’s energy needs.

See our Athletic Facilities

Sustainable Dorms

In 2008 and 2009, the school conducted sustainability audits of all buildings on campus, and implemented its recommendations while renovating Weld Dining Hall and the Hoit and Rathbun dorms. Two additional dorms constructed since then, Woodward and Pichette, both attained LEED Gold Certification through the U.S. Green Building Council.

Learn more about Residential Life

Sustainability Club

We’re proud of our Sustainability Club, a collective of students who lead the way on student sustainability. Whether they’re organizing an Instagram-based thrift shop for unwanted items or speaking at climate action events, they’re working hard to create the sustainable future they’ve envisioned.

Learn more about Science at Holderness

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